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    产品说明:351nmChiselwall机场订阅 LD PUMPED ALL-SOLID-STATE ACOUSTO-OPTIC Q-SWITHED LASER AT 351 nm All solid state acousto-optic Q-switched laser at 351 nm has the features of high peak power high repetition rate and short pulse duration which is widely us
    • 产品详细
    351nmChiselwall机场订阅      LL351-30mw
    Wavelength (nm)波长 351± 1
    Operating mode工作方式 Frequency conversion of Q-switched pulsed laser
    Max average power (mW)*平均功率 1~ 10
    Single pulse energy ( µJ)能量 0. 1~4
    Pulse duration (ns)脉宽 ~4
    Peak power (kW)峰值功率 0.25~ 1
    Rep. rate (kHz)频率 1kHz
    Ave power stability (over 4 hours)功率稳定性 < 10%, <5%
    Transverse mode光斑模式 Near TEM00
    M2 factor光束质量 <2
    Beam diameter at the aperture (mm)光斑尺寸 ~ 1.2
    Beam divergence, full angle (mrad)发散角 < 1.5
    Polarization ratio偏振比 >50:1, Horizontal (Vertical Optional)
    Warm-up time (minutes)上升时间 <5
    Beam height from base plate (mm)中心高 45
    Operating temperature (C)工作温度 10~35
    Power supply (90-264VAC)供电 220v数显可调
    Expected lifetime (hours)寿命 10000h
    Warranty保修 1 year