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    产品说明:405nm拉曼Chiselwall机场订阅 型号:LLRM405-50mw VIOLET DIODE LASER FOR RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY AT 405nm With narrow spectral bandwidth, spectral purity and a high level of wavelength stability, LLRM405-50mw laser module is designed specially for Rama
    • 产品详细
             VIOLET DIODE LASER FOR RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY AT 405nm With narrow spectral bandwidth, spectral purity and a high level of wavelength stability, LLRM405-50mw  laser module is designed specially for Raman spectroscopy, which has integrated laser drivers and thermoelectric coolers to g e t h e r, its comp a c t dime n si o n an d convenient functions make it optimal for in d u stri a l a n d me d i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n s.